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15 Must Watch Episodes Of Star Trek

Writer: VikingWarriorDesignVikingWarriorDesign

Updated: Aug 14, 2024

To watch everything Star Trek would be a big feat. There are hundreds of episodes, movies and several series. But, if you were to divulge into this world there are a few episodes that are a "must watch."

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This is the 15 "must watch" episodes of the Star Trek universe that you should not miss.

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15. EQUINOX (Star Trek Voyager)

This one is a nail biter. Voyager encounters the Federation Starship Equinox, a Starfleet vessel trapped in the Delta Quadrant by the same alien who brought Voyager there. Equinox is heavily damaged and running with a skeleton crew. Happy to have found each other, Voyager assists Equinox in fighting off a non-humanoid alien race attacking them, but Equinox has earned the aliens' hostility. Captain Ransom and his crew have been kidnapping and killing the aliens to use their unique physiology to enhance their warp drive. When Janeway imprisons the Equinox crew, they stage a revolt. The Equinox EMH commandeers The Doctor's portable emitter and poses as The Doctor aboard Voyager. The cliffhanger leaves Equinox in retreat, with The Doctor and Seven of Nine hostage, and Voyager under attack by the alien race.

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This one is cute! Having received a Priority One distress call from an outlying space station, the Enterprise arrives to find they have been summoned there by a Federation commissioner merely to protect a shipment of seeds meant to sow wheat on Sherman's planet. The planet is also coveted by the Klingons, who are taking shore leave at the station. The trouble arises with tribbles - small furry creatures that seem to multiply without end. However, their fortuitous presence reveals both a problem with the wheat and a traitor on the space station.

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13. PEAK PERFORMANCE (Star Trek The Next Generation)

Picard's clever tricks. The Enterprise is to engage in war gaming exercise with a master strategist, Sirna Kolrami, on board. As part of the exercise, Riker will command an old vessel, the USS Hathaway, and act as the 'enemy'. Riker takes along Laforge, Worf, Wesley Cusher and several others as his crew and their first task is to get the vessel operational. Kolrami is supremely confident and arrogant, convinced that his superior skills will result in an easy victory over Riker. When they are attacked by the Ferengi who want the Hathaway as their prize, Picard and the crew stage a clever deception.

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12. THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS (Star Trek The Next Generation)

Admiral J. P. Hanson personally boarded the Enterprise to join the investigation of a destroyed Federation-colonized planet, suspecting the feared Borg. Before this is confirmed, he points out Commander William T. Riker has for the third time refused a command, preferring the Enterprise. Shortly after an enormous Borg ship is found, it engages in battle with the Enterprise, which draws it away. Novel tactics are conceived. Captain Jean-Luc Picard is ordered to come aboard for unprecedented discussions, and kidnapped when he refuses. He finds they tolerate no resistance, and intend to turn him into a Borg. Riker suddenly finds himself acting captain... This episode transforms Captain Picard's life forever.

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11. THE VOID (Star Trek Voyager)

This episode is about survival of the fittest. Voyager slips into a pocket of subspace where many other ships are trapped and must steal from each other to survive. Only with the help of other star ships can they all escape the void.

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10. THE PALE MOONLIGHT (Star Trek Deep Space Nine)

Sometimes you just have to break the rules. To save the Federation in a critical scheme, Sisko comes to realize that he must violate its fundamental principles to do so.

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9. THE MEASURE OF A MAN (Star Trek The Next Generation)

At Starbase 173, the crew have a bit of leave. Data learns some of the intricacies of playing poker while Captain Picard runs into an old friend of a sort, Captain Phillipa Louvois, who established a new JAG office at the base. She once prosecuted him, unsuccessfully, but there is admiration at least, on both sides. Problems arise however when Commander Bruce Maddox receives permission to disassemble Data to determine how he functions. When Data expresses doubts about Maddox's likelihood of success, he refuses to undergo the procedure and resigns his commission. He soon finds himself the center of a judicial inquiry to determine if he is just a machine and a piece of property or a sentient being who has the right to make his own decisions. Captain Louvois finds herself sitting in judgment with Captain Picard defending Data's claim against Commander Riker who is forced to present the opposing arguments.


The Enterprise answers a distress call from Federation Outpost #4, a monitoring station on the Federation side of the neutral zone with the Romulan Empire. The outposts were established over a century ago and no one has actually seen a Romulan. The Romulan vessel seems to have some type of high energy explosive device as well as a cloaking device to make the ship invisible. When it appears that Romulans bear a strong resemblance to Vulcans, Kirk must deal with a rebellious crew member. He must also engage in a dangerous cat and mouse game with a very intelligent Romulan commander.

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7. CHAIN OF COMMAND (Star Trek The Next Generation)

"THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!" Because of a feared imminent Cardassian invasion, Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev comes to the Enterprise on the USS Cairo, to replace Picard as its captain by Cairo's captain, Edward Jellico, who immediately makes his mark on crew and ship, tells Troi there's no time for a 'honeymoon' with either for he expects the negotiations with the Cardassians he's charged with to fail and hastily deploys big plans to prepare the flagship for battle. Meanwhile, Picard, Worf and Dr. Crusher have a top-secret mission, to find and sabotage the presumed biological superweapon which can wipe out all life on a whole system prior to invasion. After their training, the trio bribes a Ferengi smuggler ship to reach the suspected Cardassian planet, but by the time they have intruded the subterranean installation...

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When an accident causes Dr. McCoy to go temporarily insane, he escapes to a strange planet. There, the search party discovers a device left by a superior, vanished civilization, a time portal that plays the history of Earth for them - but then Bones jumps through it into the past, causing a change in history important enough to make the Enterprise vanish. Kirk and Spock, who fortunately made a tricorder recording, must attempt to go through to just before McCoy's arrival and stop him from changing history in the United States during the Great Depression, where they have no advanced technology available.

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A fourth signal leads the U.S.S. Discovery to an insular world, where Pike is forced to make a life-changing choice. Burnham and Spock investigate a Section 31 ship gone rogue, leading to a discovery with catastrophic consequences...

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4. BROKEN BOW (Enterprise)

In the mid-22nd century, the Earth ship Enterprise is launched under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. When the crew rescues an alien from a crashed spaceship, Earth gets its first look at the alien's race - the Klingons. Archer and his crew must walk a fine line as they attempt to communicate with the Klingon pilot, whose language is completely unknown, and whose homeworld wants him back. Is this the beginning of friendship...or interstellar war?

3. NEPENTHE (Star Trek Picard)

Picard and Soji transport to the planet Nepenthe, home to some old and trusted friends. As the rest of the La Sirena crew attempt to join them, Picard helps Soji make sense of her recently unlocked memories. Meanwhile, Hugh and Elnor are left on the Borg cube and must face an angered Narissa.

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2. TRIALS AND TRIBBLE-ATIONS (Star Trek Deep Space Nine)

Darvin, a disgraced Klingon spy, travels back in time to alter some events to his likings. The DS9 crew must find what he's trying to change and prevent it without altering the time line. They'll have to blend in with the crew from Star Trek: The Original Series.

1. THE DRUMHEAD (Star Trek The Next Generation)

A Klingon traitor is arrested: engineer Lieutenant J'Ddan, who passed secrets to the Romulans via fluid in a medical syringe, sabotage is feared. Retired female Federation Admiral Satie and her former assistants arrive to take charge of the investigation, with security chief Worf. Meanwhile Data and LaForge look into the sabotage risk. J'Ddan's denial of sabotaging the vital dilithium chamber is credible, which implies another traitor aboard, so the crew is grilled, starting with medic Simon Tarses who gave J'Ddan his injections. After a paranormal counsel believes Tarses a liar, he's tricked by lies into acting guilty, even though the 'sabotage' was in fact found to be an accidental failure, and confesses he lied about his ancestry to hide a Romulan grandfather. Picard objects against the unethical procedure, Satie calls upon Starfleet chief of security Admiral Henry to look for an even wider conspiracy, starting with Picard himself, based on his long-term record, and Worf, based on his father's treason...

Well there you have it. 15 "must watch" episodes of Star Trek history. I must warn you though; Watching these episodes could lead to at least a year of binge watching......ENJOY!!

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